Early pregnancy symptoms?


Ok y'all, I'm going nuts! How do you pass the time post ovulation when it's too early to take a pregnancy test? I was foolish last cycle, tested at 7dpo, thought I saw a faint line, took a bunch more unnecessary tests, wasn't pregnant after all! 😩

This time around I'm 5dpo, and reading into every little possible symptom: My BBT has remained up. I'm craving sugar and carbs like when I PMS. I'm breaking out. I have more CM than usual during this point in my cycle. I'm determined to not test until 9dpo.

I'm interested to hear what you all do to stay busy and pass the time. I'm working all day but I still obsess over it. And also what early pregnancy symptoms have you experienced, or symptoms that you thought were early signs that ended up not being? Thanks all, and baby dust!!! ✨✨✨