Our baby is here❤️


Our little girl came September 6th, 2020. At 4:39pm, Weighted 7lbs 2oz, 20 1/2. Completely healthy. I've never been happier. It took me a hot minute to be able to write this. Currently doing it as I'm pumping 😁🥰

I was in labor for 36 hours. I tried to do it natural because I was extremely terrified of the epidural but I got to the point I couldn't handle the pain. So I gave in and got the epidural. My husband was so supportive and held my hand the whole time and didn't leave my side. They gave me the epidural at 9:30am that morning of the 6th. Once that hit I felt great. I got sleep and everything. They decided to break my water right after. Found out she pooped inside me. I was 5cm dilated when they broke my water. 2 hours later they came and checked me again. I was 8cm. They moved us to the birthing room and then checked me again 2 hours later and her head was down there and she was ready! 😁😁 I pushed for 30 minutes and she came! No rips, no tears, and no stitches. I was so shocked and happy. I only had 2 tiny abrasions. I was up walking around not even 20 minutes later. Here's some pictures of my hubby and I and our beautiful little girl Kaya Elaine Gurganus. 🥰🥰

She's 1 week and 1 day old and we're still and will always be in love 😁🥰❤️

She's our whole world 🥰🥰😍😍😘

1.4k views • 103 upvotes • 6 comments



Posted at
I love your family photo. Cherish these moments. You will be incredible parents. Thank you for sharing.


Ashley • Sep 16, 2020
Thank you so much 💕


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So beautiful 😊😍🥰🥰congratulations 😊🥳


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She’s so precious and I love her name! 😍 mine is Kayla Elaine 🥺❤️


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She’s sassy & 3 1/2 for anyone that was wondering how she’s doing 🥰🥰🤞🏻🤗😌