Had my stretch and sweep!! 38 weeks + 5 days

Stayingsecret • Mummy to a beautiful little girl 👑💕💞 and a gorgeous little man 💙 Engaged to the most amazing man!! 11.07.18 👩‍❤️‍👨💕🥰

Any positive experiences of having a stretch and sweep and going into labour after? I’m 38 weeks 5 days and really hoping to get a stretch and sweep today. Any positive stories? Xx

UPDATE: I changed the title 😂 I went to the hospital at 3pm and the consultant gave me a stretch and sweep 😃😃 I’m 2 cm dilated, my cervix is in mid position and soft. She told me that I could go home and tell my partner that our little man should be coming soon and to expect my bloody show!! 😃😃 said he feels like a small baby but still in healthy range!! so excited!! Fingers crossed I get to meet him within the next 48 hours🤞