Anyone Else in the two week wait to test after ovulation??



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I’m 7-9dpo... I had dull cramps for two days on what I think were 6-7dpo. Rocking in place like a crazy person trying to hold off on testing. 😬


B. • Sep 18, 2020
I already wasted 4 tests


B. • Sep 18, 2020
Girl me too


Posted at
Well I tested yesterday and it was negative. My app says I’m supposed to start my period in about a week, but that would be a 30day cycle and my cycles are NEVER that long. They’re like 24 days usually. If that’s the case then my period is due day after tomorrow. Ugh. I’ll test again on Saturday.Anyone else?


Hayley • Sep 17, 2020
On the plus side I actually have NO symptoms other than a lack of anxiety (which is, sadly, notable for me). No PMS symptoms or anything. Hoping it’s a good thing.


Hayley • Sep 17, 2020
I don’t know exactly. Based on my symptoms, cervical mucus, and cervical position, I’m like 11dpo today. Based on my BBT which I question because I think my thermometer doesn’t always work and we also had a really cold snap for a few days that threw things off, I’m like 8dpo today. Either way still early to test. I didn’t get a positive with my son until 14dpo.


Jessica • Sep 17, 2020
My periods can be irregular so I mever know what to expect. I usually start testing 10 dpo if I Haven't gotten my period yet. How DPO are you??


Posted at
Yes and I’m 6-7DPO just tested like an impatient idiot and got a BFN 💕


Samantha 💐 • Sep 15, 2020
Omg I know!! af expected sep 23 and I’m feeling old


Sarah • Sep 15, 2020
Me three 🙋🏻‍♀️, can’t help myself even though I know it’s still too early. I have one week to go until AF (which I hope isn’t coming!) and this week feels endless!! Sending baby dust 💗💗💗


Kassondra • Sep 15, 2020
We’re pretty close, and I did the same thing today 😂 sending baby dust ✨🥰


Posted at
AF due Friday, we’ll see if she shows!