Tmi I know i just posted but now im still worried and confused


My picture earlier it was barely there and more brown and light red mixed with cm now its a little more im confused if its ovulation or implantation my periods are anywhere from 31-45 days it wasnt due since I've been tracking for over a year with apps till the 29th I took an ovulation test it said I was ovulating same with yesterday the last period I had was the 16th of August since there so irregular me and my so do baby dance alot idk im freaking out i can't deal with another loss or my body immediately canceling me out this month i finally thought it was my month with all the work ive put into track and be healthy all the tests and meds idk how much more I can take also just to add when I get my period it just comes and flows heavy this hasnt happend to me only once for implantation with my daughter but barely there