Trying to conceive

Hello ladies

Can you please give me some tips on how to conceive or what to do that’s more likely going to help me.

A little bit about me;

- I’m 23 so I’m young and healthy

- I’ve been going to the gym recently to keep myself in shape etc

- I haven’t been on the pill for over 3 years we’ve just been doing the pull out method since then

- I do drink alcohol on weekends but have been cutting down on it

- I get my periods on time & they have always been light lasting 3 days

Also, when he ejaculates inside of me do I go pee straight after or does that wash it out?

I’ve been doing some research to have sex every 2 days when I’m ovulating to have a better chance & I’ve been taking ifolate for about a month now.

Any help is much appreciated thank you 😊🙏🏼