Baby hiccups?

Im almost 36 weeks & my baby is hiccuping like 3 times a day & of course I went to google 🙃 so is it normal at this stage to still hiccup often ??

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My son had hiccups sometimes as many as 5x a day! I googled and panicked and my doc had me go to a special ultrasound to ease my mind. He was born totally healthy at 41 weeks and hiccuped all the time as a newborn! We joked that’s how we knew we got the right baby


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All my kids hiccuped too and yes my youngest hiccuped allllll the time and there were no problems ☺️☺️☺️☺️


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All of my kids hiccuped. Our 1st and 3rd I actually couldn't feel move so the only thing I had to go off of was the daily hiccups. They've all averaged 5ish times a day up until birth. Every baby is different. If you're really concerned it's best to call the doctor. But in my personal experience hiccups are great!