31w5d, due Nov 13th πŸ’™πŸ’™ Can't believe ill have my first baby in less than 10 weeks now!! Babys head has been in down position since 28 weeks! Hope he doesnt move last minute! Praying for a natural birth 🀞

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Aww due date twins!! I have an ultrasound tomorrow though because when I was 29 weeks he measured 32 so I may go early lol


D β€’ Sep 16, 2020
He was a week ahead at the appointment before that one but then jumped to almost three weeks ahead by the next. Hoping for good news though!


alice_xx β€’ Sep 16, 2020
Must be a big baby!! Well at my 31 week appointment I was measuring 32 weeks! My nurse said it was normal for weeks to be 1-2 weeks off because the tape measure isnt 100% accurate..