6 weeks old fights naps


Hey everyone. My baby hates sleeping. Especially during the day. She will only nap once maybe twice a day, and until she falls asleep it's usually a big fight. I'm looking out for the signs of tiredness and as soon as I see them I'll try to feed her and sshh her but she just won't fall asleep. And if she does, she wakes up 3 minutes later screaming. This goes on for hours and hours. Sometimes I can only get her to sleep when having her strapped onto my body with a carrier and going for a walk. At home it's just screaming.

At nighttime she starts fuzzing at between 5 and 7 pm and won't calm down until 10/11/12 at night.

Yes, I'm exhausted and frustrated, but mostly I just want her to feel better. It's so hard to see her screaming and crying and nothing will calm her down. I've tried everything, from walking carrying her around, sitting down rocking her, not moving, laying her down, white noise, music, silence (not everything at once of course) but nothing worked..

Do you have any suggestions?