5 weeks pregnant and feeling anxious UPDATE

I started spotting Sunday afternoon and then even more on Monday up until today. I don’t have to wear a pad or liner, but my toilet paper comes back red or brown every single wipe.

I did call my doctor and they said it was normal, but I’m still feeling anxious. This is my 2nd baby (my first delivery was intense and she had to be turned and I had a 4th degree tear + my uterus now kind of sits on my bladder a bit) and I didn’t have any spotting and wasn’t uncomfortable at all the first time.

I’m having good o’l lightening crotch every once and awhile (when I sit mostly) and I noticed yesterday my cervix is super low and soft (I know now I’m not supposed to check that after some googling).

I trust my doctor, but I’m also just an anxious person and that first day of blood had me in tears.

Has anyone else had pregnancy like this? Is the 2nd one just a whole different ball game?

Thanks in advance! ❤️

UPDATE: after bleeding a few days with some heavy pressure (no cramping) I went in for an scan today after doing some hcg level tests last week. My levels went up but not enough. When they did my ultrasound, they saw a mass and a hella amount of fluid. I was immediately sent for surgery to check for bleeding and it turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy, was bleeding into my abdomen, and had to have my right Fallopian tube removed.

I’m incredibly thankful my doctor was able to see it before it ruptured since I wasn’t having any pain at all.

I don’t want to scare anyone, but if anyone is an obsessive googler like me looking for answers, my best advice is call your doctor if you’re worried about ANYTHING! I never imagined today going down the way it did, But I’m so glad I called when I was anxious and we caught it early.