I NEED TO VENT - im so anxious thanks to my RE and OBGYN doctors


As you can see from my heading, I’ve had a few miscarriages. A couple of chemicals and one first trimester miscarriage ending with a D&C. Most recent chemical being August 22, 2020. (a little over 3 weeks ago)

So…. I had a consult today with the Reproductive Endocrinologist (referred to by OB/GYN after most recent miscarriage) and had set this appointment up on September 3rd, 2020. The OB/GYN schedule an ultrasound pre the RE consult on September 10th, 2020 to see if they could see anything on their end for suspected Endometriosis and after the ultrasound suspected a possible Arcuate Uterus.

During this time I ended up getting pregnant and found out this past Monday 9/14/2020, so I called my OB/GYN asking if I should cancel the RE consult (scheduled for 9/16/2020 because I’m pregnant and the OBGYN office said no - to stick with the appointment and once a viable pregnancy is established, the fertility clinic would release me back to her (OBGYN).

I said okay, sounds good. Kind of excited about that thinking maybe I’d get a little more monitoring due to the recurrent miscarriages. Blah blah blah.

Well consult day today (Zoom consult) with the RE and before he really dives into the consult, I wanted to let him know I had received a positive pregnancy test Monday. He asked how I confirmed it - I said by home pregnancy test. And he said, “so how do you know it is a new pregnancy if you didn’t go in for your last beta (as I can see the last one taken is from August 20, 2020 at it read 12 – Why didn’t you go back to confirm that after the miscarriage your levels were back to normal?” Okay, that is a fair question, but I had taken a few pregnancy tests right before the miscarriage started that were very faint and then after the miscarriage, everything came up negative on the home tests. I also tracked BBT and OPKS after the miscarriage and those both signaled, I ovulated Sept 5th. (Pictures below)

Anyways, so he continues “well regardless, I don’t know why you are meeting with me. There isn’t really anything I can do because you conceived on your own, naturally, outside of this clinic. You need to be seeing your OB/GYN.”

I said, “Well I told them I was pregnant, and they still insisted I work with you?!”

He said well I will write into our consult summary that unfortunately this is in the hands of the OB/GYN, if this is even an actually pregnancy”- I said, “what do you mean if? I am clearly getting positive tests that are getting darker.”

He said, “HCG can be up and down, this and that. This could be a false positive, an abnormal pregnancy, maybe it’s normal but it’s weird that you are pregnancy already only after 3 weeks.”

NOW I’m worried that this pregnancy is doomed or something. And I’m afraid my OB/GYN isn’t going to really give me the support or anything I need for this pregnancy. The RE made it seem like even if this was a true pregnancy that with getting pregnant so quick it probably isn’t healthy ☹

I’m also taking progesterone suppositories and have been since 3DPO due to my levels being REALLY low last pregnancy (only 0.67/11) when I was 4 going on 5 weeks. The RE also said that they don’t believe in progesterone supplements because if the egg is healthy, etc. that you would produce the right amount of progesterone needed to support that pregnancy. So supplements are basically sugar coating a miscarriage and now I also feel my OB/GYN will not re-prescribe me progesterone for this pregnancy. She had prescribed it and I had 2 refills and then she stop the prescription because she wanted the RE to do what they that was necessary and if he wanted me on progesterone then he could prescribe it. Ugh, I am all sorts of emotional now ☹

Do you guys have any positive stories with recurrent miscarriages that you got pregnant right after one of them and ended up a healthy baby?

Who was on progesterone? I hate that all I’ve been is just bounced back and forth without getting any real answers or help!!