More blood testing & a full baby scan ultrasound



So I came back to get more test done because I tested high risk 1 - 160 for Down syndrome

The doctor did the ultrasound and said the baby’s structure looks fine but he also said that doesn’t mean anything???!! That the baby can or not have DS and the the blood work is another screening the only way to have a yes or no answer is to get the needle in tummy test

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It depends on what risk you're willing to accept and how having the information would change your plan. For me personally, I would want the amnio because I would consider termination in the presence of certain diagnoses. Other women would want it so they can emotionally, mentally, and financially prepare for a special needs child. Other women feel like they wouldn't terminate no matter what so having a confirmed diagnosis wouldn't change anything and they choose not to have the amnio. Ask your doctor what the risks and benefits are for having the amnio. Ask yourself and your partner (if they're involved) if whatever risk associated with the test is worth it, and whether having a diagnosis or not would change the outcome. With all this being said, there is the very rare possibility that the amnio comes back confirmatory for DS and it's incorrect. Get all the information about the amnio, explore yourself and your heart, and make the best decision for you.


vida • Sep 17, 2020
Thank you ..! Yes I will definitely think about this and talk to my boyfriend and see what our next steps are


Posted at
I had mine come back at 1/98 chance. I had the NIPT test which came back low risk. I’ve just had a early anatomy scan at 16w and everything looked good structurally etc with baby so I will have another anatomy scan at 20w. I have been offered an amnio which would give me more certainty but with a 1/500 chance of miscarriage I’d rather wait for my 20 week scan to see the progress and what they think then before rushing a test that could effect my pregnancy


Meredith • Sep 18, 2020
I feel you girl. I’m actually going to see a mental health nurse next week in conjunction with my OB appointment cuz my anxiety is through the roof. I just feel like I get over one hurdle and the next comes along!


vida • Sep 18, 2020
But I’m just stressing through my whole pregnancy


vida • Sep 18, 2020
I declined the amino testing I’m to scared


Posted at
Unfortunately while baby is still inside that’s the only way to tell they check for markers (blood test gives you a high/low risk) and then further testing can show flags but unless they do the needle in the belly they can’t give a for sure answer but if their bone structure looked okay then it’s not likely they have DS, as babies with ds don’t have the same facial bones as other babies.


ma • Sep 18, 2020
I guess I mis-worded and didn’t say “always” have the same facial bones. And I should have said “less likely” instead of not likely so thanks for clarifying I’d hate to be giving bad advice/false sense of security.


Meredith • Sep 18, 2020
Not 100% correct. There are some DS babies with a nasal bone - but they do use a nasal bone as a marker because there missing more often than not In DS babies!


ma • Sep 17, 2020
No markers and a “high” risk doesn’t mean they have it. My OB has a high risk result but got the US and no markers her baby was fine she’s like 6/7 now with no health issues.


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Yes the amniocentesis


Shamika • Sep 17, 2020
I havent done it i dont think i would but its definitely some risks with it


vida • Sep 17, 2020
Have you got this done or know anything about it