Long post

So my husband and I have been trying to conceive for years (Been married for 7 years and never used prevention). After getting no help from my first doctor with regulating my period I switched doctors. She wanted me to hold off on trying to conceive. My new doctor got my periods regular! After the appointment to check everything and make sure periods were good without medication still and some weight loss (44 lbs.)(which she wanted) she said I was good to go to try to conceive. After we got the go ahead I started really tracking and testing for ovulation. I never got a positive the first month..I took it when this app said..the following month I tested from the 1st day of no period until my first day of my next period so almost a month and no positive. 😔 I went back to the doctor and told her. She said she's not willing to help yet...she think my body wants me to lose more weight and then I will ovulate. Since my period got regular with meds and weight loss and now I don't have another appt until next year. I am 30 and my husband is 31 we want to have a baby so bad... Any help, tips, or suggestions would be Awesome!! Thanks