Miscarried at 9.5 weeks no explanation

I miscarried last night at 9.5 weeks. We did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with tested embryos. This was my second pregnancy, first one was healthy no issues. I started bleeding on Sunday and went to my fertility dr. Sun, mon & tues. each time baby was “perfect”. Heart beat strong, cervix closed and no signs of bleeds.

The bleeding got worse every night with large clots. My drs stumped saying some women bleed and I shouldn’t worry. Last night was so bad with clots as big as my fist on severe cramps. My dr suggested I go to the er. I find out I miscarried when I had a perfect baby just 12 hours earlier.

I followed up with my dr this mornjng and they have no idea what happened. They said the bleeding and clotting most likely caused stress in the baby and caused her to detach. I am absolutely in shock. I’m also frustrated that they didn’t even prep me that this could be an option. Also the % of a miscarriage with tested embryos are less than 10%.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I’m having a hard time processing this information and wish there were more answers.