Could it be a subchorionic hemorrhage?


Hi all,

I’m 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and I started heavy spotting yesterday.

I take progesterone suppositories twice daily, and yesterday after the progesterone it started to become more red rather than pink. After about 3 hours it went back to pink. It looks pink mixed with discharge at the moment.

Anyway, fast forward to today, I went to see my doctor and he examined me. Be told me at this time he wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway so not to panic If I look empty inside. He checked and he said my lining was quite thick, and my cervix is closed. He examined my cervix and could confirm that the blood wasn’t coming out from the uterus, wherever it’s coming from it’s not from the uterus.

Basically, Cervix closed and blood not from the uterus.

Has anyone had this experience? Please do tell as I’m feeling very anxious and upset... I just want some more answers or at least have an idea of how this could possibly end up.