I’m only 6 weeks and I have a belly !???

It’s my second baby and my belly was flat two weeks ago , and I woke up this morning to this.

How is it even possible to be so big so soon???

My feet are already swollen as hell and I’m exhausted all day but those are my only symptoms.

Why do you think I’m so big so early ??

Opinions ?!

Twins also run in both my husband and I families

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TrueCrimeNerd • Sep 17, 2020
Mine was as well even as a first pregnancy!


K • Sep 17, 2020
It’s really hard to the touch


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Just bloat! Which is very normal! Especially in your second pregnancy!Baby is the size of a seed.


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It’s bloat. Even if it’s twins it’s just two babies the size of seeds in there. I know it’s “hard to the touch” and bloat doesn’t sound like a possibility to you. But it’s just bloat. I wouldn’t be surprised if your stomach is smaller a few days down the road 🤷🏽‍♀️


K • Sep 17, 2020
Thank you 💜💜


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Bloat, more pregnancies more stretched out previously so not new like first timeIt’s ok


K • Sep 17, 2020
That’s what I thought but it’s really hard


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Just bloat, the uterus is still tucked behind the pelvis until 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, even with twin pregnancies. At 6 weeks your baby is the size of a pea, which won’t cause enough change to show anything.


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Your uterus expands more quickly with subsequent pregnancies! ☺️


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Im on baby #6 and the bloat is real. Your uterus is still behind your pubic bone so even with twins you still wouldnt be showing at 6 weeks. I bloat worse each time its like my body is saying hey, I know what to do lol. But its just bloat. Regardless its because youre pregnant. Congrats on your bundle!


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My bloat was so hard and so big and painful until like 11/12 weeks! I looked exactly like this it sucked. Then it went away and I looked less pregnant haha


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