Should I be concerned about my 24 month olds speech delay?

He says...

Mama (not very often)


Come (and grabs my hand sometimes)






More (when he wants more food or is hungry)

When asked what sound a chicken makes he says “bawk bawk bawk” but only sometimes. Sometimes he stares be in the face and then runs away 😂

I feel like there are a few more words he can say I just forget.

He comprehends A LOT. If I ask him to get something he usually know what it is and gets it, he notices differences in toys, if I ask him to give his baby sister (in my belly) a kiss he will lift my shirt up and kiss my belly, if I ask for a hug or kiss he will give me one and knows the difference, he knows where things belong (especially in the kitchen). He knows where his belly, nose, and head is when asked he will point to it.

He can match very well...for example colours, animals, objects, etc.

His attention span when I try to talk to him or teach him things is bad. He usually just runs away half way through me asking him a question which makes it hard.

Anything that helped your children learn to talk? Ive read to him at least 2 times a day since he was 3 months old.