Who’s overwhelmed?

FTM mom here. LO is 5 weeks old, a cutie pie, but is SO hard. She was diagnosed with a cows milk protein allergy so I’ve been dairy free a little under two weeks, she’s got acid reflux, and is on pepcid for it, I have an appointment Tuesday to inquire about a possible lip tie for her. I just recovered from mastitis, had a 103.5 temperature... still finishing my antibiotics for it. Not to mention, my husband is a firefighter and works 24 hour shifts. I have my mom helping me, but I just feel so alone and helpless.. she’s up at all hours of the nights. We have the hatch white noise running, she’s swaddled, pitch black, she’ll fall asleep and immediately wake up when we put her down.

Is anyone overwhelmed??? I don’t ever wish this frustration on anyone, but I’d love to here other moms struggles to know I’m not alone.