Husbands appointment

My husband has an appointment out of town at a specialist because of his thyroid and his dad sees it as a trip. Neither of them have a vehicle reliable enough to make the trip so they're taking my husbands uncle's truck, and instead of being worried about getting there on time my husband's dad was like "we will stop here for breakfast, go to the appointment then stop here to eat on the way back". Normally I wouldn't care but I felt like he was volunteering our bank account to get him fast food.

I don't care if they stop one time because my husband needs to eat, but they don't need to stop twice. We cannot afford 4 meals in one trip. Naturally I chose not to go because I go to be induced in 5 days (or could have my baby sooner who knows) and I wanted to limit the risk of exposure in my household, but it feels like his dad is using his sons appointment as a trip.

He also suggested stopping out of the way to see his grandaughter (and that city also has had issues with the virus).

I talked to my husband last night when we got home about my issues with what was said and he said that he wasn't stopping twice to get food. (Keep in mond I don't care for him buying his dad food once as long as it's cheap, but we CANT afford 4 meals but for some reason his dad thinks we are made of money and he expects to eat out EVERY time he goes out with someone) and he also said that he was going to tell his dad to not make any extra stops because even he knows the less exposure to those areas the better especially where we have to go to the hospital to meet our baby boy in 5 days

I may sound selfish, but the fact that he 1.) Volunteered our pockets so he could get his fast food fix and 2.) Tried to make it seem like my husband had no choice but to stop to visit his granddaughter and his other son with him didn't sit right with me and kind of pissed me off.

And the only money my husband has on him Is the money for rent this month and if I find out he bought 4 meals KNOWING WE CANNOT AFFORD IT because the only money we have goes towards bills and stuff I will be mad.

(Off topic: don't assume i try to dictate what he buys. Last night he found a guitar he wanted and it's $100 so I told him it was up to him if he bought it or not. I haven't bought anything materialistic for myself since April and we used some of our taxes for that but that's it and it was a rug and shower curtain. I don't care what he buys IF we can afford it but his dad using him for a trip and a fast food run won't work with me)

I'm not selfish, I'm trying to consider the fact that we need to save a least a little to support our son when he's born but his dad clearly only cares about cigarettes, a trip, and eating out all the time