Should I really break up with him?

Currently with my boyfriend of 2 and a half years, hes really insecure with me being his first in a lot of things but also me being more experienced. along the beginning of 2020 he wanted to look through my social media accounts and check my things, hes in his right but what i didn't know is that he'd do that every night for the next 2 weeks. he started scrolling through entire 4 year conversations even, bringing up things he didn't like seeing about me from before he was a part of my life as well. he became more insecure and a bit judgemental as well. i stopped going out, drinking, dressed more covered up, and almost changed myself entirely for him to stop being insecure but it kept up. soon after i asked a really close friend for advice, he told me that if it takes an emotional/mental toll on me that I should seriously consider breaking up or having a really serious conversation. i went with the talk, and i told him off for making me feel like crap and he kinda guilt tripped me in a way but i didn't pay too much attention to it because it already didn't plan on breaking up. he then promised to stop being so insecure and not even a whole month later he asked to check my socials again, i hadn't talked to anyone since March(it was mid june). since around that time he just started up again and you can call me whatever you want for this but i dyed the ends of my hair purple and eagerly sent it to him happy to show him and for 2 hours he talked about how he hated it and i gave him a lil speech about how its my hair and i can do what i want to it and he sarcastically said "oh well i love it". idk what it looks like to anyone else but I feel like I might have overreacted but I also felt justified. but aside from that I recently haven't had a good conversation with him and my sex drive has gone down a lot since we started having issues. I recently started my journey into witchcraft and instead of being supportive or asking a normal question he immediately started his criticism and told me he didn't want me doing it. he's just overall become a really negative person, and i personally really need good energy to surround myself with because I generally don't feel or do well otherwise.

♡Anyway I'm pretty much just ranting but the women on here prove to be really positive and uplifting and I could really use some advice because I'm seeing him tomorrow to talk and i was thinking of breaking up, even if I really do still have strong feelings for him