Advice please !???

I moved in w my bf like 4 months ago and Me n my bf been fighting more than usual lately ,he told me one day that he missed having his freedom but still wanted me (and by that he meant like being able to do what he wanted and not having to be worried about someone else) so I almost moved out but it was really hard and we didn’t wanna break up so he just told me to stay.after that I feel like everything just been going downhill for me I feel so much more insecure now ,I just feel like he’s going to cheat or I just feel like shits now the same anymore as it was in the beginning,I feel like the honeymoon faze went by to quick for him because I just watch old videos n cry n wish I was still in it.

I went to the doctor the other day cuz I hadn’t gotten my period in 3 months and she said it was cuz of stress so I’m on BC now .Idk what to do anymore I just feel like I’m sad all the time but I don’t wanna leave cuz what if something changes ,what if we’re just going through a rough patch rn , anyways what do y’all think I should do ?