Early labour?!?!

Hey everyone, I’m looking for some help here because my OB office is closed and I live 2 hrs away from a hospital so going to “ just be checked” doesn’t really work.

Ok so I woke up at 2 am with serious cramping ( where you would get your period cramps), plus back pain and I felt so nauseous ( haven’t been sick AT ALL this pregnancy) I was awake till 5:30(ish) before it seemed I got comfy enough to sleep!

Ok so 10 am rolls around. Again I wake up to the cramping, back pain, pelvic pressure and a feeling like I need to poop, and so much nausea. Well I didn’t have to poop and so far haven’t gotten sick.

So since 10am I have had all of these sensations, rest doesn’t make it stop, moving around doesn’t make it stop, drinking water ect doesn’t make them stop.

Now the confusion.... well without timing I can tell you there is ZERO pattern ( although I’ve read that there really never is during early labour) but it’s been going on all day, so I ask ladies.......

Does this sound like I’m in early labour to you? Or is this just my body just being messed up?!?!