Boyfriend cheated on me


I found out my boyfriend cheated on me yesterday. He’s making it all my fault and blaming it on me. I found out he’s been talking to and visiting this girl at work for months. We tried for a baby and found out July 30th I was expecting. So the whole time he’s been talking to her and going to see her while I thought he was working late. He’s also apparently been telling her another girl as well as our whole town that we aren’t together and this baby isn’t his.

We live together and I just got my first job out of nursing school so it will be a bit before I can leave. I’m just flabbergasted. Everyone thinks he’s such a good ole boy but he’s actually a narcissistic piece of shit. Like how can you do that to someone carrying a baby you supposedly wanted? I also have severe hyperemesis and he’s called me selfish and lazy and stuff. I’m just done and I’m over it. The girl when confronted acted like she was mad at ME for finding out. This boy can’t do shit for himself. Doesn’t wash his own clothes or dishes, doesn’t pick up after himself, doesn’t cook his own meals. Hell, we live several hundred yards from his mama and he’s over there. This lady just came and knocked on the door to get hydrogen peroxide and inform me that his infected toe ( He’s diabetic and I told him weeks ago to get it checked out) is peeling. I just said well I told him to go the doctor and shut the door. I do not give two effs about this little mamas baby and his toe.