I fell


Baby is fine thank the Lord but my feelings towards people are not.

I had just made a trip to the dollar store for some organizing items. The cashier put some items in a bag and then put the other items in one of the tote baskets I got. As I got to my car I lost my grip on the basket and everything fell out of it. A guy walking passed me looked at me struggling and kept walking. I’m 36 weeks so I tried to get what I could and pushed the rest towards the car with my foot. When I got to the car, I put the items on top of the trunk. Then popped the trunk 🤦🏻‍♀️ and realized oh I need to move those. So I put the item back in the tote with one hand as my other hand had the bags. I knelt down using my left leg to take the weight and set the basket on the ground. Then I felt my left leg buckling, I tried to stand so I could shift my weight to my right. Next thing I know my momentum is causing me to fall backwards. I landed on my right hip and kind of rolled down onto my right bicep/elbow area. People in the parking lot just kept walking! I was able to get myself up onto my right elbow and I put my hand on my stomach to feel the baby. I think she was just startled or I wasn’t still enough to tell. I got up as best I could and literally threw everything in the trunk and got in the car. I texted my husband what happened and then called my doctor just so they would know. The nurse said that falling on my butt/side was good. Also, baby girl pushing around is a really good sign. Just watch out for cramping and any bleeding.

Ladies, I felt like such a baby. My husband called and I started crying. He kept telling me it was okay and that baby girl in front and not on my side so she’s okay. I felt like I put her in harms way just trying to do a normal function! 😭😭😭😭