(Tmi 🤷‍♀️gross foot picture) Raynauds Phenomenon?

Sorry for the pictures of my feet, just been struggling lately with this..

My doctor said this is probably Raynauds Syndrome. but after I told her the symptoms, she didn’t look at it, run any kind of tests(idk if there is any), or really say anything about it after just saying it is probably that. That was about 4 years ago.

It seems like this year, it’s gotten 10x worse. I also noticed a couple weeks ago, when I had the worst flare up from it since it started, that my FACE had white spots like this, and my torso was even cold. Usually my hands and feet are the only things affected.

I was really uncomfortably cold, to the point I was in pain, and almost crying. I checked my temperature, and it was 96.7. (It’s usually 98.2-98.8) I ended up sitting in a near scalding hot bath, which also hurt because I was freezing so it felt hotter than it actually was, and it took about 35 minutes until my body temp finally went back to normal. ☹️

Has anyone experienced this? And know how to treat it?

I’ve tried putting on layers, but it doesn’t help. it’s like my feet radiates cold instead of heat. All my heated blankets stop working after a few weeks, and they’re too expensive to keep buying. 😖

Also, I’m 28, 5’3, and 115lbs.

This is what it looks like throughout the day:

(The two dark blue spots are paint from painting) but during a bad flare up almost my entire foot is white from lack of circulation.

I’m going to sound probably stupid asking, but that’s why I am asking, but could this cause lack of blood circulation to my brain or other organs??? Ive been forgetting a lot of stuff lately.

Should I make another appointment with my doctor about this?