Had to clean a dead body and that's not even the worst part of my week😔

I am 19. I live at home during the pandemic in a house with parents who may be getting a divorce, but unsure at the moment. My Dad thinks that because he runs a non-profit for kids that he doesn't need to be our father anymore because we are older. My mom just wants him to see that we still need him.

I am so lonely with my only friend moving to Texas I am still at home. It would be ok if it was a few hours drive, but no the drive would be 19 hours.

My grandpa just had colonoscopy surgery and has a colostomy bag now. He just came home the hospital today and I had to give him a shower. I have given plenty of showers to my residents at the assisted living facility where I work, but when it is your own family. I don't know it is just so different.

One of my colleagues tried to get fired from my job for something she did. She screamed at multiple of our residents and tried to say I was the one who cussed at them.

A resident died this week and I had to do something I never would have imagined I would do in my life. I had to clean up the body. Every time I close my eyes I see it. I won't go into full detail of the state of the corpse. I did agree to do it because I cared for him as if he were family. It is just hard to see them pass after bonding with them for so long.

Sorry, but I just needed to get everything off my chest.