How did tou tell your hubby?


We have 3 amazing and very strong-willed kids. Two of them are in school virtually because its the only option in our area right now. The baby is 18 months old and into everything the way toddlers do😅

We have been talking about another baby but wanted to wait until next to start trying again.

My last period was late by 10 days but it showed up, right? I took 3 pregnancy tests, all very negative. I'm thinking now it was too early and the "late period " was implantation bleeding. I'm new to menstrual cups so I justified it as a light period.

A few days ago I had twinge, told myself its just gas.

Yesterday I had a friend come over to be with the bigs while the baby was napping so I could go to the store alone for once. As I was leaving the store I checked in on how they were behaving. They were good so I stopped and picked them up a happy meal (a very rare occasion) to surprise them. While in line I felt the same twinge so I got their food and went across the parking lot and got a couple dollar store tests.

Super faint test line. I'll try again in the morning. This is from 5am

Still faint but definitely there!

We make plans and then life happens 💖

If you've made it this far how did you tell your husband/partner that you're having a baby?!

He's usually right there with me reading the test so I've never gotten the chance to surprise him.