Misconception about food during the holidays

TW: ED and guilt around food. Was scrolling Insta and saw this picture and past me would’ve been so upset, but more informed me had to clarify. For the past year I’ve actually been nourishing my body and instead of guilt tripping, I eat in a mindful way. I used an online site to track how much I need per day based off height, weight, and age. So mine is 1,740 calories a day, 100grams of protein, 218 grams of carbs, and this is suppose to help me loose a pound a week. I’m not in a rush so this works for me. The only time you’ll gain weight, is if you go over your body’s daily need of calories. I believe my maintain calories are around 2,100. Will a 370 calorie drink or cake or pie make you gain weight if you don’t surpass your caloric and carb need for the day? No, you’ll be Gucci. Will you gain weight if you surpass your daily caloric and carb need? Yes.

During the holidays I do measure out how much I’m eating and if I want to indulge more, I’ll work my macros around that. So that might mean I have a bigger treat but a smaller meal but up on the protein shake so I’m still meeting what I need. Keep in mind some of these Instagram accounts are extremely wrong on their information and this time doesn’t have to be filled with guilt

Yes this is going under Love, because for the Love of God, nourish your body and enjoy that treat without guilt

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