Chemical pregnancy at 5 weeks


I don’t know where to begin. Or what to say. But I want to post out my feelings because I have no one to talk to. First I’ll say, it’s crazy what can change in just 12 hours. I took pregnancy tests starting at 11DPO (9/21) and had very, very faint positives. I didn’t want to believe them but my husband was so sure since I was vomiting everyday. I took tests every day since and they never got darker. I’ve been pregnant twice before and both times my tests got way darker. I knew something was wrong but still let myself be happy because I was showing great signs! I was tired, I was throwing up, I felt like I should! Until I took a test and it was negative. And another. And another. I sobbed. I cried so hard to my husband. But he said “this is why you don’t test early. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have known” but I did and now here we are. I woke up at 6:30am on 9/26 with blood in my underwear and I just cried. Everywhere online says to expect a heavier period. I still wasn’t prepared. I’ve never had such bad cramps or excessive bleeding. Bleeding so badly that I’m lightheaded. I feel lost and confused. Should I just pretend it’s a normal period and ignore those few days of pregnancy? Or should I give in and let myself sink into the depression that my body is definitely feeling?