Am I over reacting


So at work I have a new manager for my department and he treats me very different to the rest my apartment which are all boys he treats me like everyone else and everyone noticed that my department so I’ve tried asking why I get treated differently and ended up turning into an argument between me and my line manager. he pulled me into another room to continue the discussion he proceeded to bring up every tiny little thing that I do and I said to him I don’t really care about that because it’s not what I asked if anything I did was that bad you would of spoken about it before I just want to know why I get treated worse than everyone else because it feels like it’s because I’m a girl. he basically started to tell me that’s the boys basically can do anything they can work and talk and they just get on with it and it’s all fine but when I work I stop and look at them because ‘you’re deaf and that’s what THEY do’ I said to him that this is not ok to say to me and he said ‘oh no it’s fine because my grandad is deaf’ i then tried to leave the room but he then put his hand on the door to keep it shut so I couldn’t leave and I ended up having to try and pull the door open.

I then tried to speak to my director about it and my director told me that it’s probably just ‘cultural differences, he probably didn’t mean it, it’s just they don’t have a filter whereas here in the uk we do’

I’m sure that this is discrimination against someone with a. Disability which is against the law, and against someone’s sex and that it was entrapment aswell.

He’s basically told me that because I’m deaf and I wear hearing aids that I can’t work and do the same as everyone else because of it.

Also I spoke to my boyfriend about it and he literally didn’t seem to care he was like you’re just being soft and he probably didn’t mean it Like that.