Meet my boys 💙💙

Jessica • 2 beautiful girls and 2 long awaited twin boys 💙💙❤️❤️ I’m finally a mom of both 🥰

Saturday September 26th was my turn. At 33 weeks and 6 days I had my bloody show around 2:30, and by 7pm the contractions were so bad, I was crying. So off to the hospital I went! I walked up to labor and delivery and turned down a wheelchair, got into a room, and they managed to get two monitors on me and checked me and all I heard was “we are having baby boys TONIGHT. You’re 8 almost 9cm” and next thing I knew, everyone was rushing around trying to get me prepped for my csection as both boys were breech. I had a tiny meltdown/panic attack and started crying because everything was happening so fast and I almost put them in a dangerous position if I hadn’t came when I did. By 9ish I was all prepped and being wheeled back for my csection and by 9:59pm Baby A, Maddox Alexander was born weighing 4lbs 6oz and 17.25 inches long. Brother Maverick James wasn’t too far behind him as he was born at 10:02pm weighing 4lbs 9oz and 18.25 inches long. They were perfect! Maddox was put on a cpap and Maverick had to be intubated and put ok blood pressure medicine but fortunately, both babies are now just on a cannula! In fact they are getting ready to start weaning them off of the oxygen slowly. Maverick has even been taken off of his blood pressure medicine. They said they’re making amazing progress and right now, they’re goals are to grow, learn how to feed, and regulate their own temperature. It’s been a crazy few days but I’m so so happy my boys are here and I’m so grateful that they are doing so well. I really felt like my body had failed them.

Pictures of my precious boys that now complete our family of 6!

Maddox on the left and Maverick on the right 💙💙