Infant loss & PCOS


Hey mamas I'm just having one of those really hard days I lost my baby boy at 7 months old from congenital cytomeglavirus. His 1st birthday is coming up on October 21st I miss him more and more everyday it's killing me. My husband and I have been trying since May to have another baby and I've been having a very hard time getting pregnant I've been to several doctors now and they've checked my hormones everything seems besides my testrone level being a little elevated. I've also been taking ovulation tests everyday now for a week and I still have a flashing smiley face. I reached out to my old MFM doctor and she said she thinks I may have PCOS. Is it possible to still get pregnant with this condition. What do they give you to help fertility? I just feel so hopeless and like it's never going to happen for us 🥺