What are some signs labor is near

I am currently 34 weeks 2 days and baby girl is head down and deep in my pelvis. I have been having pelvic pain as well. Lately I have been very moody. But today was the worst of it I had one mood swing after another and my poor husband I am so lucky to have him stuck by my side despite the fact that I had one mood swing after another. I read that being emotional or extra moody is a sign labor is beginning. We have two other children both girls. With our first my water broke at 31 weeks 3 days and I gave birth at 32 weeks via vbac. With our second I gave birth at 38 weeks via c section. I had a vbac with our first born because I had an emergency c section in 2015 due to my twin babies who were both girls their umbilical cord was wrapped around their neck and they were unable to help them.

How true is it that being moody is a sign labor is beginning. What are some signs you experienced? I know all pregnancies are different.

Thank you. ❤️