I don't know what to do I'm balling my eyes out cause my bf moved out of his parents cause his siruation there was so bad so he moved in with his friend, but his friend's mom can't put him up anymore he's applied literally everywhere, No ones been hiring and He's been sleeping in his car, its so cold in Calgary especially at night, I can't have him cause I'm still 17 going 18 in 3 months, I want to give him all I have but he won't accept it. How do I help him? this corona sucks. I want to sneak him in so he can atleast shower and eat he has $0 money cause he had plans for music industry but he had to leave his house he was gonna do his room as his studio and he got all the equipment and all tjat costed so much. He'd rather live on the streets then go to his parents, its a really bad situation I don't know what to do how do I help my boy:( His car doesnt work its broken, and stuck at his friends house