Hello this is my story


My name is Natelle . I have 1 beautiful living daughter who is 11 years old. We had been try for 7 1/2 years for a second baby. Finally in May 15th 2020 I found out im pregnant. I was so excited and scared to be starting all over but so happy to be . I got a ultrasound done at 6 weeks . Heartbeat was very strong . At 10 weeks all was good. On July 28 2020 at 10am I go for my 16 week check. They couldn't find a Heartbeat and sent me for an ultrasound. I go i get the ultrasound. As im laying there I looked at my baby and there was no movement 😭. I knew in my heart and soul my baby was gone . Was sent home . Got a call 15 mins after I get home to go to labor and delivery right now to confirm there's no heart beat. I got there and it was confirmed 😭😭😭. They told me her little heart stopped beating sometime around 15 weeks. I had to have a D&E done because I can't dilate. So on July 30th 2020 that was done .

I feel empty. I miss my baby 👶 😞. How do you all get the courage to try again. Im so lost right now . I want to try again but I'm so scared to.