Beyond Depressed


So I’ve been trying to get pregnant a long long time now. I’m 37 and have had issues with my period not showing up and also never ending (3 months of blood) I had a d&c

everything was okay, regular period. etc.

Then period stopped again. I took the pill for a month to kick start my hormones, that worked.

This time my period is the latest it’s ever been and I did a few pregnancy tests which had faint lines, I posted on here and people were commenting yes! positive! I was shocked and went for blood test. blood test was negative. two more weeks has passed and

I still haven’t gotten my period. I took more pregnancy tests tonight and negative (all three)

I am emotional and feel hormonal af. My husband doesn’t understand why i’m so crushed. I feel inadequate as a woman not being able to easily conceive. I feel stupid thinking i’m pregnant when i’m not. I’m just eating more and bloated and hormonal for no good reason.

It’s doing my head in. I’m in tears writing this, my head is all messed up and I am feeling so broken. 😭