Heterotrophic Pregnancy


Last Sunday I was rushed to emergency, in the most pain I’ve felt in my life. After testing and an ultrasound I was rushed to the OR to have an emergency laparoscopy. I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and had my left tube removed along with the ectopic pregnancy. Prior to this I found out I was pregnancy in August and went for my first ultrasound at the beginning September. At this ultrasound I was told that there was no heartbeat and that the position of the sac/embryo was an indicator that I was in the process of miscarrying. The next three weeks I bled heavily and had a lot of pain and then as the pain and bleeding subsided, I woke a couple days later to the excruciating pain that led me to emergency and surgery to remove an ectopic. I was so sad to have my ultrasound and now even more upset that I had an ruptured ectopic. I keep thinking if things had gone differently, I could have had two babies. The doctors were at a loss as to what had happened and concerned with how the ectopic was missed in my ultrasound at the beginning of September. Overall I feel heartbroken and so sad....has anyone else experienced this? I know the doctor said this is very rare. I have a set of fraternal twins and after that pregnancy in 2016, my doctor said my chances of having another set of twins was 47%. Everyone always said no way you’ll have another set and then all of this happened. I’m grateful for my babies who are healthy but still feeling sad and heartbroken right now.