Mums dog bit my 1 year old😭

I’m so angry and upset. My mums cockapoo bit my 1 year old today on the eye!! He’s got a cut on his eyelid and underneath his eye as well as a massive scratch on his forehead. I love dogs, but I’ve never wanted to punch one more in my life!! My poor baby, he was so upset😭

Anyone got any advice on how to handle the situation or had a dog that wasn’t a fan of children? What did you do to get the dog to get used to them? My mum has had my little one twice a week for the past 6 months and she’s always coming over here with the dog, so it’s not like he’s not around him much! He’s never hurt him before, but he’s always given me a horrible on edge feeling.

I don’t want to ever leave him there again! The dog is spoilt rotten, he is NEVER told off no matter what he does. My step dad is the worst one for it. Even today he didn’t even get told off, they just blamed it on the fact he’s never been socialised with children (he’s 5). How is a 1 year old supposed to know?! He wasn’t even antagonising him, he literally walked towards him whilst he was sat on the sofa and the next thing the dog threw himself at him. I keep replaying it in my head and I could just cry. I don’t want to fall out with my mum, but at the same time I don’t want my son around that! It’s horrible being constantly on edge making sure he doesn’t go near the dog. We have a Jack Russell at home (who might I add has also never been around children, she’s 3 1/2) and she’s good as gold with him! If she’s scared she’ll run away, not attack him!