Any similar stories?? Should I be worried?!?


My LMP was on Aug. 13th. My peak days were on Sep 3 and Sep 4 which means I would have ovulated on Sep 5th which puts me at 6 wks & 5 days.

On Monday I went to the bathroom first thing and there was light pink slimy blood. Ever since then, I have had light brown mucus on and off only when I wipe. I also was having some back aches that day as well, nothing I could handle.

I went in to get my HCG levels checked on Monday which were at 875. They asked me to come back on Wednesday to get my levels checked again. In 40 hrs, my levels went up to 14XX. They went up which was great. Today I went to get an internal ultrasound and the sac is only showing around 4 wks and 5 days. 2 weeks behind. I had another blood drawn which was only 30 hrs later from my 2nd drawn and it only went from 14XX to 16XX which doesn't seem to be very good.

Does anyone else have a similar story and have had success? Should I be terrified like I am right now?