Just need to vent 😕

So tomorrow I’ll be 31 weeks .. baby girl is she 12/15 .. I’m a young mom & married . We got pregnant unexpectedly. And now that a lot has happened I see why everyone says take your time . I’m 25 hubby is 24 . We’re both trying to figure ourselves out individually and collectively . Though I was ready for marriage I just feel my husband was not . Especially with the responsibility of taking care of me & a child . During the height of Covid we left our apartment . Which I thought was ok not the best but ok . He said he didn’t feel “comfortable “ so we moved in with his parents .. that within itself has been extremely difficult. His mom & I just recently got back on good terms due to past issues . His dad and I never had a relationship not because I didn’t want one he just didn’t care for me for whatever reason that it. Anyway , living with his parents while being pregnant has been extremely difficult . It’s put tremendous stress on our relationship. I’ve gotten to the point I don’t really voice my opinions because they turn into arguments and I’m really really tired of the back and forth. I don’t wanna leave my marriage but something has to give right ? Im working my behind off everyday & so does he and trying to save money and it’s like the more I try to save it’s more money I have to dish out for bills. Like today my car began to act like it didn’t want to start . Now it’s the alternator , I have a nail in my tire and I need 2 new tires , I need transmission flushed , I need spark plugs . On top of me trying to finish class assignments that’s due THIS weekend and I’m so so so so behind . I feel like there’s no one I can talk too without being judged . I keep it all in . I just wish I could finally have some peace in my life and things to go back to normal . But it’s not. My life is changing and I’m soon to have a baby that’s solely depending on me . I’m just mentally exhausted and I’m tired of crying . Tired of not feeling heard . I just wish things could change and I’ll be happy . If you have any positive advice please comment . But if not I really beg you to just not comment . Save me any more energy to have to defend myself from strangers . Thanks