getting a second job to move out

I’m not sure if this is the right group, lmk if not . I’ll delete it :)

I need advice because at the job I work I’m only getting paid $9 an hour + tips but that’s only 35/50 bucks a week which is a help but not much . I get about 20/25hours a week depends on who does the schedule, which is a part time. But I can also work full time.

I’m also a full time college student .

I’m debating on getting a second job . I saw that working at amazon starts at $15 an hour which is a upgrade, I could start working there part time , In order to save money to move into an apartment. I’ll probably keep the job after getting the apartment so I can have that constant income from both jobs , I have no social life clearly so it won’t be a problem.

If i do work at Amazon it most likely will be a primer shopper at wholes food OR at the warehouse .

I have two options

1 ) keep school , keep main job & get a second job


2 ) quit school for a while & figure out what I really want to do for my future career, keep main job and get a second job

Long story short . The reason I’m deciding on getting a second job is because I’ve realized how toxic it is living at home and I need my own space and not be manipulated by my parents . They want to control everything and they can’t . Doesn’t matter how much I ask for freedom , they won’t give it to me yet expect me to be at the beck and call. Not anymore !!

What should I do ?

I say quit school because I actually don’t know what I want yet and I just wasted 1k on my classes for on the prerequisites for nursing and I’m not sure if I want to continue that path anymore , I’ve lost interest. I hate online school and none of those classes are in person so it doesn’t really help !

Also when you look for apartments do you look for them online or do you physically drive by and see for yourself if the ones you want is available ?

Any opinions are helpful or criteria.

Or share your story with me . What was it like getting your 1st apartment or house ?

My goal was to stay home until I buy or build my house cause I was going to save money in order to do so but I want to leave ASAP. Staying at home will keep stalling my life . In school and out .