Idk title


My son was taken from me and I've been suicidal ever since. I hate everything and my life I have no reason to live except the hope I may be able to get him back someday but chances are extremely thin. I remember being on this app during my pregnancy and afterward getting so much support and at some point some guy f*cked everything up. He said he would have my son taken for no reason. He befriended my son's father, crazy things were happening, then the father got him and never gave him back and I was in a position where I was being victimized by some people and I completely lost my parental rights. It was such a hard time. They don't allow for reinstatement of parental rights where I live. There's just a deep part of me that knows that everything that happened including the outcome was so wrong and I simply cannot and will not let go and move forward until I can prove this all was wrong so that maybe i can have a redo someday with court. I haven't been on here in a long time and it's actually triggering me A LOT because i used to love this app, posted so many pregnancy pics and posts about my pregnancy throughout the whole pregnancy and kept in touch with the friends I'd made on here who had babies the same time as me we built relationships during our pregnancies and continued helping each other once our babies were born. It's been such a long 2 years and complete and absolute hell for me I'm so lost and gone the feeling is indescribable. I miss you guys. I miss what I had, I miss my baby, I miss it all.