Dizziness..brain fog..help

Okay sooo my doctor sucks and didn’t help at all when I talked to her about this so I’m planning on going to a different doctor that I know. But if anyone can tell me anything I may be missing, I’d be grateful. I feel like i can’t think straight and idk what this could be but it could be common sense.

I’ve been dealing with this for a while but didn’t realize how bad it gets when i exercise. I just started training for a half marathon so I don’t wanna give up yet😞

Last week I did a 5K and i pushed myself really hard. Afterward I felt the “runners high” but about an hour later I felt like absolute shit. Again today I did another 5k and pushed myself even harder. Now I’m feeling pretty crappy again. Here are my symptoms from both times:

-slight dizziness (nothing too hindering I just felt off balance a bit)

-headache, right behind the eyes. Relentless. Wouldn’t go away after taking Advil.

-Brain fog, I literally cannot think straight, it’s taki me forever just to comprehend sentences I’m reading.

-EXTREME FATIGUE. Last week after the 5k I passed the fuck out on my boyfriends couch and had the absolute deepest sleep ever. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I passed out within like 5 seconds of hitting the couch.

It’s driving me crazy. I feel this way SOMEtimes, like on days where I don’t even exercise at all. But never as bad as after a hard workout.

I thought it might be dehydration and maybe it is. I feel like I drink enough water but I forget to take into account that I drink like 3 cups of coffee a day and I sweat a lot. So maybe that’s it?

I was also thinking maybe I’m just not eating enough. Like today I had some cereal, a pita pocket full of veggies and hummus, and guacamole and that’s it. It doesn’t sound like a lot but honestly it doesn’t seem like it’s not enough throughout the day. I’m never starving I’m mostly satisfied all day. And right now I’m actually feeling nauseous a little.

I also just got blood work done and everting is perfectly normal. I used to have iron-deficiency anemia but my blood work came back within normal iron ranges, just still kinda low. But not enough to be anemia. And I’m taking supplements most days; iron, vitamin c, and a multivitamin. It’s not every day but when I remember it i take it. I also feel like I eat pretty healthy. I’ve been vegetarian for 4 years now, I drink tea and eat lots of veggies. Especially carrots and spinach. Idk what it could be other than maybe dehydration. But the thing is when I was working (worked at a theme park in Florida) I was always moving and sweating and it took a lot out of me physically. But I drank SO much water I was peeing like every 10 minutes because I didn’t want to dehydrate myself. I was also drinking so much coffee at this time because my schedule was all fucked up and I was always tired. During this time my symptoms were also worse.

Idk. I know I’ll be finding another doctor soon but I’m tired of feeling this way especially in the middle of training for a half marathon. I dontwanna cut back on my training because I’m so into it. I guess I just wanna know if anyone has ANY idea what it could be? Or anyone who’s experienced the same thing? Any insight is helpful and maybe I can make some changes and see if that fixes anything. Thank you:)