"sharing" the baby


I personally hate this term. I hate when I'm told I need to share my son. Why? Because you share an object like a toy. My son is not a toy, or an object he's a human being. He's a baby. I don't have to "share" My Son with anyone. I'm not required to hand someone my son if I don't want to, or take him anywhere I don't want to. I'm not required to let anyone do anything with MY baby. I was the one that laid in labor with him, I was the one who laid on the table and was cut open so he could be brought into the world. He is part of ME. He is MY son.

I don't care to accept helpful advice, but I will be damned if someone, wether they're family or not, tries to stand in my face and tell me how to raise MY son. I don't care how many kids you had however many years ago. I don't care if you have this idea that you have a say in my son's life because you clearly don't, he is MY baby. He belongs to my husband and I. If we don't want to take him somewhere, give him to someone, dress him a certain way, etc. Its not YOUR business or anyone's. WE made him. WE had sex and created him. Unless you were part of the process of his conception then you have no say. Being his grandparent doesn't automatically give you any say over OUR baby. I don't care if your son's sperm made the baby, that doesn't make him yours in any way period.

Keep your nose out of our business. We don't care to let people see him and hold him, but when you act like you have a say in what we do with the baby, how we dress him, how we feed him, etc. And when you act like you have a say in our married life as parents then you're WRONG. No one has a right to see the baby, they have a PRIVILEGE. My husband and I don't have to do anything because you want us to. Stop acting like you're head of the house and kind your damn business.

Stop stripping my son down when we visit and giving him an examination as if we aren't doing something right.

Stop telling me how to feed my son, clothe my son, where my son should sleep.


When I want to hold My Baby I shouldn't have to ask PERIOD.

Stop acting like you know more about my son than I do. You don't grow him and birth him and you aren't raising him.


I had to rant