Four days missed period

I wrote this a second ago but I realized it wasn’t anonymous so I deleted it but anyways

Long distance relationship

Ive been worried about my love I asked him what was wrong because for the past few days he hasn’t texted me like he usually would I even timed it, it was

like 14 hours or something like that.

I usually don’t bug him constantly I let him have his space but he told me his friend is causing problems with him like not paying and my man doesn’t get his privacy and he was ok with him at first because his friend was going through a breakup but now he’s basically living off my man lol and he told his friend he need to get a job and help out or something but it turned into a argument so yeah

Anyways I needed to rant I’m sorry but the real reason i need help relaxing I’m not pregnant I don’t go out at all since covid even then I barely go out soo I’m not pregnant but any tips on relaxing please!!!