Is teaching in 2020 a nightmare everywhere or just here?


I put this in here bc anywhere else on here people become really hateful when teachers "complain" about work.

I am drowning guys. I don't know if I can keep doing this. Between in person, online, and kids leaving for extended sick periods I can't keep up. I have 2 preps, but with all the changes in format, 2 subjects has become 4+.

Most parents are being kind and supportive but some are downright jerks asking for grace sotheir kid can turn work in a month late and then screaming and yelling and calling the office because you've taken more than 48 hours to grade said extremely late work.

My school is great and they don't allow parents to trash us but just hearing that these parents are doing this or flatout lying about you pisses me off.

I have 6million things on my plate and have cried in my dark classroom at least once a week for the past 5 weeks. I cried in front of my students Monday because an activity one of my dept members made (we share the load) was completely nonfunctional. Normally I wouldnt bat an eye I'd just jump in to the activity and fix it. I still jumped in and fixed all the kinks but tears just started streaming down my face while I was working because I had so much else I needed to be doing to just stay above water...

Is it horrible everywhere (globally) or is it just here that we are being asked to complete the impossible?