Husband and snacks

I am being so petty right now but this is the rant room so I need to let off some steam before I irrationally confront my husband lol. I’m about to pop with our second baby. My entire pregnancy I’ve craved random snacks. I always make our grocery lists and tell my husband to add anything he wants to them. He has done the grocery shopping most of my pregnancy because of Covid and now me being super pregnant. This man eats all my damn craving snacks!!!! He’ll buy one pack of something and then eat half of it. I’ve said something and he’s like omg it’s just food relax. Sour patch kids...I NEEDED them. He would eat a ton when I went to bed. Now pop tarts...he buys a box for me and then eats them non stop. This happens with every snack. GET YOUR OWN DAMN SNACKS OR BUY MORE THAN ONE PACK. 😡