Monistat 7 during pregnancy?


Hi mommas. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and a few days ago I finished a week long round of antibiotics for bronchitis.

For the last few days I've started to develop an extremely intense vaginal itch. Today its absolutely unbearable. I'm 99% sure the antibiotics caused me to have a yeast infection (I've had one before). I'm practically doing the dog butt scoot across the floor for relief.

Since its Sunday my OB is closed until tomorrow.

I have used monistat to cure a yeast infection before, but never during pregnancy. Everything I'm reading online says its safe to use monistat 7 while pregnant.

I'm desperate for relief. Have any of you been diagnosed with a yeast infection during pregnancy and were told by your OB to use Monistat 7? I'm about to go buy it but I would just like confirmation from any of you that it worked for you while pregnant.