Relationship with God and my husband

Ali • 🌵🌻

My marriage has been very rocky from the beginning. I've wanted out so many times but bc I'm a Christian I have been trying to make it work and not think of divorce as an option.. it's so hard though. I pray for my husband and my marriage I have told him we need counseling and to find out our love languages and to do bible studies again and pray together again and the list goes on of things I've wanted to pick up again that we stopped doing as a couple, I have to do them alone. Idk what other efforts to make? He is very sexual and drinks a lot and cusses like a sailor and lately he's supposedly been having dreams about other women and it's literally made him rethink our whole marriage. I asked if he thinks he's depressed and he says not at all. If I bring up something like being insecure or bring up anything I listed above, 8/10 times he will get angry at me. I just don't feel comfortable anymore but Idk what to do. I am completely dependent on him rn so if I did want to leave I wouldn't be able to until I got my life together better.. Talking to him is impossible, he's stubborn and turns everything into a fight or acts like I'm crazy for feeling the way I do. He makes me feel like a disappointment tbh. What haven't I done to try and fix my marriage?? I feel drained and stuck in a situation I can't change.