My story

Nicole • Wife 💍 SAHM of two crazy boys 💙 💙 pregnant with boy #3 💙

I am ready to tell my story maybe I can hear other similar stories to mine.

I always knew I wanted to be a mother.

I tried to get pregnant for 2 years before finally getting pregnant the first time. Which unfortunately ended up being an ectopic pregnancy. Yes I was in denial because they couldn't find it on the ultrasound so I felt I was to early. Until.... I woke up with excruciating pain and bleeding so I rushed to the hospital where I was rushed to emergency surgery they removed my right tube 💔

That wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when the dr came in the room to talk to me and told me my left tube didn't look functional and I most likely wouldn't be able to have anymore children.

Determined, I kept trying of course months later to give my body time to heal.

It took 5 months but I got pregnant again! The problem was my progesterone seemed to be low.

Luckily the baby was thriving so they gave me progesterone and sent me on my way until my 12 week scan.

My 12 week scan came along and they couldn't find the babies heart beat...

Again I felt devastated... at that point I felt like it wasn't going to happen... I gave up.

I wasn't going to be a mother (I told myself).

A year later I decided to give it another try. My husband felt optimistic. Said we will have a baby.

Well 4 months later I got pregnant.

Now I know your waiting to hear the outcome and I will get to that.

Well I went in really early. I'd say I was about 4 weeks pregnant and everything looked perfect.

Well 9 months later I have birth to my first son!

A year later decided I wanted to give my son a sibling and again 4 months later got pregnant again!

I did have some spotting so my first fear was the worst...

But everything turned out and again 9 months later gave birth to my second son!

Now about a week ago took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant again.

Well, my progesterone and my hcg were low so they followed my HCG and its now down to 15...

So I'm currently going through another miscarriage...

I don't currently know exactly how I feel...

But i needed to talk about it 😪 its going to hit me...